Nau mai, haere mai, welcome to Miller Avenue School

Simply the BEST

Aroha, Honesty, Self Discipline, Responsibility & Respect

Te Taiwhakarewa Kauri  

"the tide of floating kauri"

In days gone by, men felled kauri and native trees.  All the area around Miller Ave used to be a swamp and all the logs were pushed into the stream to transport, and to keep the logs in perfect condition.  The trees were sent down the stream to be collected and transported away by river. 

The name Te Taiwhakarewa Kauri and its story was gifted to Miller Ave School, her children and whangai children attended the school for many years from when it first opened for business in 1958.   She was actively involved with the school and was one of the original founders of the Miller Ave School Kapa Haka. 

It must be acknowledged that Whaea Dorothy Henry, Whaea Daisy Te Moananui and Keita Te Moananui, along with whānau, spent many hours making the bodices and uniforms; they also fundraised for the piupiu in the early 1980's which is still proudly worn today by the Kapa Haka group.  The name Te Taiwhakarewa Kauri made its public debut with the Miller Ave School Kapa Haka when they performed at the Hauraki Māori Festival at Te Aroha in 1998.

Nau mai haere mai - Welcome to Miller Avenue School, Paeroa

Miller Avenue School is constantly working on the way we deliver learning outcomes that ensure our  focus is clearly on the growth of the individual. To enable this, the quality of the teaching and teachers remains paramount, regardless of where students find themselves on the learning continuum. We believe in catering to the individual needs of students, this practice is embodied in the development of our personalised learning plans for every student in our school. Teachers, students and the Board of Trustees hold high expectations for student growth and there has been a steady rise in achievement across the whole school because of this. 

We are working on being a progressive school that embraces what it is to be successful at school, we provide some wonderful school extra curricular activities, classroom teaching, values and skills.  Ākonga (students) are encouraged to participate in their community and join some of the many community groups.  Our primary focus is to continue developing the following:

- PB4L

- Enviro school philosophy

- Cultural connectedness

- MAS graduate profile 

- Trauma Informed Practice

This year we have built on and strongly developed our PB4L (Positive Behaviour 4 Learning) processes and procedures, which is teaching our tamariki explicitly how to be active members of their learning by practising the school values through our 'Simply the Best' motto:  this means that they are learning to be: 

B: brave

E: engaged

S: sensible

T: thinking

2023 has been a wonderful year of growth and opportunity for our ākonga (students) and kaiako (teachers) & kaiāwhina (support staff) and our recent parent survey results attest to this.  

MAS is a fun and engaging place to learn and teach.  We welcome you to come and visit us.

Whaea Debs - Tumuaki

Mrs Deborah Eastham - Principal from June 2022

The balancing act of student engagement and support

Posted: 20 April 2023

" By tracking attendance and following up with students in a non-judgemental, nonpunitive and understanding manner, teachers and senior leadership at a Paeroa school have been able to implement methods to help students in need. "